Neurotoxins are used to block nerve impulses to the muscle to help inhibit movement. In Aesthetics, this is precisely injected in targeted area to relax the muscles and reduce wrinkling of the skin. Additionally, they can be used to treat medical problems of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), Migraines, and TMJ-induced tension headaches from jaw clenching.

At SkinLux MD, we primarily use Botox and Dysport for the cosmetic treatment of wrinkles, excessive sweating, lip flips, oversized masseters, and TMJ issues. Botox is a neurotoxin which currently has 12 FDA-approved therapeutic indicated uses and is the most popular for its cosmetic uses. Dysport is also another FDA-approved product that will helps to soften facial expression lines between the brows without surgical intervention or unnecessary downtime.


  1. Treatment takes between 10-15 minutes. The pre-consultation, discussion of your goals and skin assessment usually take longer than the actual treatment! It’s quick and so many people get it done over their lunch hour.
  2. There are no knives involved as it’s just an injection treatment and most patients don’t complain of pain or discomfort. Numbing cream can be applied beforehand to make your experience even more comfortable.
  3. The results can be subtle to dramatic — whatever YOU prefer. Do you want a minor improvement that’s barely noticeable or a dramatic overhaul of your look? Whichever it may be, we can help you achieve it to your satisfaction.
  4. It is extremely affordable. If you consider that results usually last about 4 months, a typical treatment would cost you about a cup of coffee a day. Repeated treatments will give you longer lasting results to make this even more affordable!


  1. Do not lay flat for 4 hour

  2. Wait 12 hours before applying makeup to treated areas

  3. Do not massage or rub treated area for 24 hours.

  4. Avoid strenuous activity/heat for 24 hours.

  5. Avoid facials, lashes, steaming, and waxing for 72 hours

  6. Avoid Lasers and Microneedling for 2 weeks


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